Man oh man !! Is there ever a time when I don’t think to myself “I could really be chilling by a beach right now from sunrise and sunset, while scarfing down fried plantains, fresh lemonade, a ginormous bowl of salad, and pumpkin pie!”? (no, the answer is no).
I have always gravitated towards warm weather and seasides, mainly because the two places that I call home are right by a body of water. But there is an overwhelming sense of calm and acquantainceship (too lazy to check if that’s a real word) whenever I am near the ocean.
Cue Matt Meltzer from Thrillist who recently posted an article titled “The World’s Most Beautiful Beach Cities Where You Can Live For Cheap”. Now I don’t know the guy, but he is to blame for my endless and overindulgence in daydreaming for the past few days. Damn you Meltzer, DAMN YOU TO HELL!!! (kidding, I am sure you’re an awesome person).
As you can probably guess from the title of the article, Meltzer displays 10 areas around the world where being a beach bum does not put a dent in your wallet. Now if that isn’t the ideal life, I don’t know what is.
The exquisite snaps of the entrants on this list are so surreal that they almost look fake, but it puts into perspective how landscapes across Mother Earth diversify from region to region.
So if you have the time to fantasize, or if you want an excuse to procrastinate (I don’t judge), be sure to click here to read the full article. Who knows? Maybe your future calls for a big move to a life close to Davy Jones’s locker (aka the ocean).